Vascular ventricular coupling in patients with malignant phase hypertension: the West Birmingham malignant hypertension project


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Malignant Hypertension Associated with Rhabdomyosarcoma

The Hypertension is divided into two types: primary and secondary. the secondary type, is particularly due to renal and arterial origin and is mostly seen. In children the Secondary hypertension caused by malignancies is rare. This is a case of abdominal rhabdomyosarcoma with malignant hypertension.

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malignant hypertension associated with rhabdomyosarcoma

the hypertension is divided into two types: primary and secondary. the secondary type, is particularly due to renal and arterial origin and is mostly seen. in children the secondary hypertension caused by malignancies is rare. this is a case of abdominal rhabdomyosarcoma with malignant hypertension.

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Excess smoking in malignant-phase hypertension.

The smoking habits of 82 patients with malignant-phase hypertension were compared with those of subjects in three control groups matched for age and sex. Sixty-seven (82%) of the patients with malignant-phase hypertension were smokers compared with 41 (50%) and 71 (43%) of the patients in two control groups with non-malignant hypertension, and 43 people (52%) in a general population survey. The...

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Malignant Hypertension in Childhood.

Essential hypertenision is predominantly a disease of the later years of life. It is uncommon under thirty years, and rare in childhood. Two forms or phases have been described, the benign 6, 7 and the malignant. There seems to be unan-imity of opinion among the writers on the suibject regarding the clinical differentiationi of the two forms, but the pathogenesis of the malignant type is still ...

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[IgA nephropathy with malignant hypertension].

症 例 患者:29歳,女 性.主 訴:頭 痛,高 血圧.既 往歴,家 族歴:特 記すべ きことな し.現 病歴: 1995年 よ り尿 蛋白,1998年 よ り高血圧 を指摘 さ れる も放置.こ の ころか ら頭痛発作 を繰 り返 し ていた.2000年 の検診で高血圧,尿 蛋 白,尿 潜 血,貧 血,心 電 図異常 を指摘 され,同 年7月13 日当院を初診.初 診時身体所見:意 識清明,身 長160cm,体 重52kg,体 温36.8°C,血 圧240/140 孤mHg,上 下肢差 ・左右差な し,脈 拍80/分 整, 胸 部にラ音 ・心雑音 を聴取せ ず.腹 部平坦軟, 血管雑音 を聴取 せず.下 腿 に浮腫 な し.胸 水 ・ 腹水 を認めず.神 経学 的異常所 見な し.眼 底に 高血圧性 網膜症(Keith-Wagener III度)を 認め, 悪性高血圧B群 と診断 ...

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عنوان ژورنال: Hypertension Research

سال: 2012

ISSN: 0916-9636,1348-4214

DOI: 10.1038/hr.2012.18